Problem Statement/ background

A simple deep neural network model to predict the likekleyhood of a liability customer's (depositor) request of a personal loan getting approved based on features such as age, experience, income, locations, family, education, existing mortgage etc.


ID: Customer ID
Age: Customer's age in years
Experience: Professional experience in years
Income: Annual income of customer
Zipcode: home address zip code
Family: Customer's family size
CCAvg: Average spending on credit cards per month
Education: Education level (1: Undergraduate, 2: Graduate, 3: Advanced/Proffessional)
Mortgage: Value of house mortgage
Personal Loan: did the customer accept personal loan in the last campaign?
Securities Account: does the customer have a securities account with the bank?
CD Account: does the customer have a CD (certificate of deposit) account with the bank?
Online: does the customer use internet banking facilities?
CreditCard: does the customer use a credit card issued by this bank?

Data visualization

Preparing data before training the model

Building a simple multi layer neural network model

Training the deep learning model

Assessing performance of the trained model